The New Year of 2021 and 2022 were unlike anything seen before in the mortgage landscape. This wasn’t the same as 2008 and 2009. The early 20’s are finding an amalgamation of world trends, tipped rates, and extreme shifts that are massively different.
It was known that the artificially low rates driven by the Fed would shift and hike up. It was even anticipated that the massive swing would make interest rates volatile for a while. What wasn’t anticipated were Global tensions increased on the tail of a pandemic originating from the war in Ukraine.
For the first time in history, we saw mortgage rates double within months.
Rates increased from the 3’s to the 6’s rapidly in an unprecedented shift that people didn’t have time to prepare for. Capital markets volatility was insane, leaving companies unsure whether or how to leverage. As we moved through the first half of the year, companies were deciding whether to sell off, buy or get out. This was a record year for acquisitions from companies realizing they won’t make it through the volatility alone.
In light of the market, I found myself in a position to make a transition after eleven years with a fantastic company because they went through their own growth adjustments. Right-sizing is vital, but its completion is crucial as companies are made of people who need to plan, forecast and execute their own goals as well as the for the organziation. Currently, people are either working for a company that is “leaning in” or “retracting.” With chaos, however, comes opportunity.
Over the second half of the year, there had never been a better opportunity to attract talent. I am excited to be aligned with a company that is not only leaning in but “all in!” It’s interesting to have positive stress because of growth when others experience negative pressure forcing cuts and personnel changes.
As I close out my last article for 2022 and enter 2023 pumped up and ready to go, grow and dominate. I look forward to new relationships and learning from others.
2023 will be “Our Time,”
and I look forward to seeing the cream of the crop rise.
Happy End of Quarter!