Grant Laviale

New Year’s Resolutions Often Fail

Several years ago - in an effort to set and keep better goals and resolutions - I embraced a change called “One Word”

Did you know that approximately 87% percent of adults set goals and make resolutions every New Year?

Here’s the sad part – roughly 50% of those new resolutions will fail by the end of January.

Yup! It’s true. Our best intentions often fall by the wayside – and fast. Why do only half of us stick to our commitments for even 30 days? Even those who stick beyond that first month find that they’ve given up on them by summertime.

I’ll admit that I have done my fair share of goal setting and making resolutions in the past, only to experience the same frustrating outcome that so many others face.

And if you are like me, you’ve often noticed that the month of January finds the gym packed with new people – only for March to roll around, leaving you wondering where everyone went!

Several years ago – in an effort to set and keep better goals and resolutions – I embraced a change called “One Word,” a concept designed and written about by Jon Gordan.

Imagine becoming the person you want to be – but with no goals and no resolutions!

Instead, it just takes “One Word.” The “One Word” concept has changed my family, friends, team, and myself. Now, rather than lament our missed resolutions, we spend more time each year discussing what our “One Word” is – and how it has played out over the year.

Today, I wish to share that my “One Word” for 2022 is “ADAPT.”

Because I am in the mortgage industry, it is clear that 2022 will be a year like no other. Technology, rates, margin compression, consolidation, layoffs, reduction in volume, and primarily purchase driven will significantly impact everyone.

These realities will force me to become someone flexible and ready to shift as needed. I need to learn to ADAPT quickly to the changing environment. To ADAPT this year can look like many things:

  • Actively listen to my team more and seek to engage intentionally
  • Gather other’s opinions and suggestions on certain industry changes
  • Take steps to ensure we are ahead of the curve and prepared
  • Check-in with my coaches, friends, and family often to ensure I’m on my “A” game

Having “One Word” allows me to be laser-focused on those things that are truly important and worth my time and attention. When I focus on my One Word, I find that my priorities are set, my stress and anxieties are lowered, and my optimism for the future rises.

This year, I strongly encourage you to read Jon Gordan’s “One Word” and try this method out for yourself. I can attest that it’s a game-changer.

I look forward to revisiting this article at the end of the year to see how I did because what I do know is this:

Those who ADAPT first win!

Until next time, cheers!


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