Interestingly, and as mentioned in my January article last month, my one word for 2021 is “Change,” and I can say I’m proud of myself for already starting to embrace and incorporate that into my life and my business in this new year. One of the ways in which I have begun embracing and enacting change is by eliminating things that I found had taken away from my productivity. I also hired an additional Branch Administrator for support, as well as realigned processors with the team, etc.
However, never in my wildest imagination would I expect a change that would suddenly just hit me square in the face. It’s easy for us to mentally prepare for making upcoming changes, but when change surprises you and “hits you in the face,” it feels like a whole different ball game. I’m sure every one of us can relate to this in some way. For the past six years, my Regional Manager and friend who was about to be promoted to Divisional Manager just resigned out of nowhere. I was shocked, devastated, hurt, sad, and definitely never saw it coming. It was like someone threw a bomb into my living room. This was definitely not what I expected or had in mind when I declared my one word for 2021 to be “change.” So, after four days of digesting reality and brushing off the dust from this unexpected bomb, here is what I can share from my takeaways and perspective:
- This incident confirmed to me that change is constant, just like seasons in a year.
- It’s not what happens to you, but how you handle it.
- It’s not healthy to worry about things you can’t control.
- He who adapts first to change wins.
- Most importantly, stay true to who you are. Not others, but yourself. Staying true to yourself allows you to adapt and align with the changes that ultimately define you.
So, there you have it… “change.” In all it encompasses. Whether expected or planned or not. We must be fluid. We must be open to changing and growing and exploring new territories or unforeseen factors within our lives. 2021 is a change for all of us. So let us welcome it, no matter what it may look like. If change wants to hit you in the face, then roll with that punch and let it. It will lead to better, brighter things. Things we cannot see or understand right now. But it will. It’s true what they say: “When one door closes, another one opens.” And we know from our experiences that the new door is always a better one. And as I am sure more change is coming to me for 2021, I will continue to embrace it, and my hope is that you will as well. More to come soon from me, I promise.